Opening a new business mean a lot of expenses, set ups, equipment purchase and figuring out what can be put through your tax return or not. Buying a vehicle is an important decision in any business, some would need a vehicle fleet whilst other just one, being a car or a van.


As a business owner or sole trader the decision of buying a vehicle outright or leasing it can be a daunting process. What’s the best option? What tax relief would I get with each? How would depreciation would affect my business? These are questions new or existing business owners make before making any equipment purchase.


Nowadays there are many ways of buying a new vehicle, finance lease, lease purchase, hire purchase, contract hire, and more.


For the purpose of this article I’m going to focus on Business Contract Hire and its benefits to businesses.


What is Contract Hire


Contract Hire is a long-term vehicle rental agreement for sole traders, self-employed, partnerships and limited companies. It is particularly beneficial for VAT registered business or sole traders as you can claim back 50% of the vehicle’s VAT.

What to Consider when Choosing a Business Contract Hire


Early termination can be quite expensive


If you go above the contracted annual miles you will be charged “by the pence” all extra miles. Depending on the how many miles you have gone above this can result in being a hefty charge.


You must return the vehicle at the end of the contract in a well maintained condition. Any damages above the Fair Wear & Tear will be subject to further charges, and depending on the damages these can end up being quiet expensive.


Vehicles must have full comprehensive insurance for the full term


You won’t own the vehicle as the contract hire doesn’t allow for this option

If you’re looking to upgrade your vehicle or fleet and want more information on how business contract can help your business, GET IN TOUCH, we’ll be happy to have a chat, we’re all a friendly bunch!



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